Need your work to contribute more to your life?


Your work should contribute something to life, right?

You spend your days working on behalf of a cause or a company or a family.  And to what end?  Your work should contribute something to your life, and that something should be meaningful to you.  But, right now, it’s not.

Contribution is one of the important pieces of the puzzle of becoming limitless, and it’s one that we often sacrifice, lest we appear selfish.  We are so focused on contributing at work that we forget that it’s supposed to contribute back to us too.  But, that’s untenable.

I don’t know about you, but my bank doesn’t take good karma in exchange for my mortgage, so I need a little more.

It’s one of the reasons I created The Limitless Course.

Want a sneak peek at one of the videos and a catalyzing exercise to help you increase how your work contributes to your life?

Here is a video and an exercise that you can do -- TODAY -- to help move you along that path.  It’s just a small part of the two and a half hour course that I built specifically for you.  And it’s just one of the dozens of exercises in the 70-page book that we will send you in the mail so that you can follow along and become your most limitless self.

Course Preview (Module 5, Section 3): 

Price vs. Value


We can’t talk about any of what you need without talking about how much money you want and need to make.  And, in order to know this, you need to know your value.

Have you ever considered what your value is?  Here’s a hint… it’s not your salary, your hourly rate, the wage you’re earning.  That’s your price. So, what’s the difference between price and value? Let's get uncomfortable and finally have that talk.

Do you negotiate on price, or on value?  Tell me more about your value at @heyLGO, and don't forget to tag #LimitlessCourse so that we can take the conversation deeper.

EXERCISE: Know Your Value!

If you liked this preview...

If you liked this preview and want to dig deeper into building more contribution and marrying it with calling, connection, and control, sign up today for The Limitless Course.

Carmen Arce-Brown, CEO, The Partnership

“I just finished modules 5th and 6th – and 21 written exercises all in! I was just in awe of the 5th module on contribution. I feel like you were talking directly to me in live coaching!  It was almost kind of freaky and enlightening to what I am thinking about these days. I could have paid you thousands of dollars for that module alone!”

Dr. Christina Guthier, PhD, Organizational Psychologist

"As occupational health and organizational psychologist, I am often skeptical when self-help books and courses claim to offer quick fixes for complex challenges. Laura’s Limitless course is nothing like that: she engages you to reflect on what really matters in your life, enables you to reimagine your work life, and encourages you to realize a limitless life. If you are looking for a truly supportive companion and a community who is genuinely cheering you on to become the best version of yourself, Laura‘s Limitless course is the right choice for you!"

Patrick Farran, PhD, MBA, Co-founder & CEO Ad Lucem Group

“This isn’t just another course. Laura takes you on a journey. And it’s not for the faint of heart. But, if you are ready to do some serious soul searching and change the trajectory of your life for the better, then strap in. Laura is a powerful and authentic Sherpa who has climbed her own mountains and can help you identify, assess, and climb yours... Laura will help you realize that you are, indeed, Limitless.”